Sunday, November 16, 2008


This is my Bunco group. We dress up every year. This year I was Miley Cyrus. I told Morgan, Brock, and Mason what I wanted to be and they advised me what I should wear. When Kalin saw what I was wearing, he told me he didn't think Miley looked so trampy. It was surprising to me how what a mom is wearing is trampy, but what a girl is wearing is HOT!!
Our Little Pirate! Drop the hat on and snap the picture quick, because the hat is not staying on!!

Our other pirate! With the attitude!

Scary Werewolf-Mason

And this is Kalin dressed up as a teenager with nothing to do!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

So fun that your Bunco group dresses up. And your two pirates and a werewolf are just adorable! (I'm sure Mason doesn't want to be adorable, but he is).