Saturday, November 22, 2008

First Dance

Is there anything more nerve-racking than sending your son out on his first official date? I swear I am more nervous than Kalin. Even though he is 6 days shy of being 16, he is taking a date to the Harvest Ball at the high school. He is going with Jenna Lewis. They have known each other since preschool so I am sure they will have lots of fun. There is a lot to worry about with even a casual dance. It is a good thing that his first date is not to Prom!!

He asked her by text, but it is not as lame as it sounds. Jenna and Kalin always steal each other's phone and try to read the texts. They have tried to figure out each other's key lock code and stuff like that. So they were together one night and Jenna stole Kalin's phone. So I sent her texts from my phone asking her to Harvest from Kalin. She answered him back by doing a treasure hunt at our house.

She put one of the clues in the toilet and poured Mountain Dew on top. It was pretty funny.

Now they are getting ready to go to dinner. Crazy, huh? I don't know if I was this nervous for me on my first dance.


Heather said...

I know 16 is too old to be cute, but that is so cute. I remember those days so well. It really doesn't seem like that long ago, but I guess 10 years is a long time!

Happy late birthday to Kalin. We miss you guys!

Brian said...

Wait, doesn't that mean that you technically asked her for Kalin?