Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fun Times in the Sun and Sand

The HUGE sandbox we have in our backyard has been the best thing we could have ever done. Our kids have played in the sand for 1000's of hours. Every spring, I swear at the sand all over my kitchen floor. But then I see days like this.
It started with Colton's baseball team playing.(they did the same thing when they were 9).

Of course when they were 9, I think they kept their clothes on and the sand stayed in the sandbox not on each other!!

Then they tried to recruit the 15 and 16 year olds.

(Scary that they can now drive) They think they are too old to play with sand anymore. It looks like the beginning of a gang fight!!

Then the younger ones come to help.

And we ended up with a HUGE lake in our sandbox!! Wet sand is so much better than dry sand. It sticks to everything.

1 comment:

Heather said...

That looks like so much fun! Who needs the beach when you have sand and a hose?