Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lazy Days of Summer

I officially declare summer over!!! It is easier to teach than to keep up with my children. I feel like I am in the car the entire day!!! Here is a sample of my schedule on Monday:

5:45 Listen to make sure Colton is up for his carpool to weightlifting, football and Driver's Ed (Thank goodness for friends that are morning people)
8:30 Drive Morgan to gymnastics in Salem
8:45 Run to Sam's Club to buy candy bars for the Football Boosters' Golf Tournament Fundraiser on Tuesday.
10:20 Empty car from Sam's Club
10:30 Drive Mason's carpool to baseball camp
10:35 Pick up beef from Circle V Meats
11:00 Empty 3 huge boxes of meat into freezer; take other meat to Becky
11:30 Pick Morgan up from Gymnastics
11:50 Wash baseball pants at carwash
12:00 Put pants in the dryer to dry before Colton needs them at 1:00 (PLEASE Dry)
12:30 Pick Kira up from Becky's (OK Drag Kira away from Emily)
12:45 Feed whomever is home lunch
1:00 Try to get Kira to take a nap while I
sort the laundry
1:30 Give up on Kira's nap
2:45 Go to Colton's baseball game
5:00 Come home; feed Mason's team (well...four of them)dinner; get them ready for their game
5:45 Send them to warm-up for their game
6:00 Go to the "State Champions" SFHS baseball team dinner and awards
8:00 Go to last few minutes of Mason's game.
9:30 Walk 3 miles
10:30 Crash in bed only to start over tomorrow.
School is definitely easier than this.

Tuesday's schedule includes the Golf Tournament, Physicals, Haircuts, Pack Night (Mason got his Arrow of Light) and Morgan's softball game. No wonder I am exhausted at the end of the day.

1 comment:

It's a Boy!!! said...

I vote that you take a vacation. To ummmmm....Chicago! Or sell off some of your kids who keep you so busy?