Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Addicted to Chocolate!!

I know Kira loves chocolate, but it always shocks me how much. I like chocolate, but I would rather eat an Ethel M's caramel apple or something salty, so I do not know where Kira gets her sweet tooth. One day, Kevin and I grabbed dinner from Magleby's Fresh and Kevin got a piece of chocolate cake. We gave Kira a little taste. Kevin never got anymore. She kept wanting more and more. If I would try to give the box back to Kevin, she would freak out and bring the box back to me. She sat on the beanbag and ate almost all of that chocolate cake.

I love the Chocolate Smile. If you want Kira to love you, just buy M&M's by the bulk like Kim does. No wonder she cries when I try to take her from Kim's house.


It's a Boy!!! said...

I love how she's just relaxing waiting for you to put the cake in her mouth. Who runs your house?!

Beckers said...

Really, do you have to ask who runs that house?! Of course, you are one to talk!! Since I think Weston runs your house also!